Category: Uncategorized
Why it’s so hard to leave an emotional abuser
Sometimes it’s easier to take the blame and shame than accept the disappointing truth about our loved one. Why is it so hard to quit allowing a parent or partner to keep hurting us emotionally? You would think we would get so tired of getting the same treatment (bad with a side of mean and…
What if you’re not imperfect. You’re unfinished!
What If You’re Not Imperfect. You’re Unfinished! What if instead of focusing on trying to function as a perfectionist, we changed our perspective? What if we, instead, thought of ourselves as unfinished? Unfinished, in-the-process, becoming what you were meant to be – not quite what you were but yet not quite what you will be?…
Are you like a butterfly trying to be a cocoon?
Are You Like A Butterfly Trying To Be A Cocoon? Returning To Being Hidden And Invisible? Stop Strapping That Cocoon Back Over Your Wings! I’ve been thinking lately about how many of us are trying to live small, take up less space, be less visible, shrink back. I’m not talking about weight. At least not…
If not never, then now. Time to do?
I was watching the Gilmore Girl revival and I was really struck by the situation the mom finds herself in. She has always thought of herself as the brave one. Always had plans for after…. Always had goals she’d achieve when… And she suddenly realizes she has built a very safe life. That she has…
That nagging feeling something’s not right, never good enough
That nagging feeling that something’s not right, that you can never be good enough for “him/her,” that feeling that everything is your fault – if you would just be better. And they tell you you’re not quite good enough. But at least he/she doesn’t hit me. But at least she/he is better than the last…
Empathy – essential for your relationships to be healthy and loving
Ask most people what is on their list for the “perfect mate” or even friends and relatives, you will hear lots of things. Probably looks, sense of humor, intelligence will show up on most lists. But something you are highly unlikely to hear – Empathy. Empathy, what does that even really mean? Think of a…
Sticks & stones may break my bones, and names will really hurt me!
Abuse is certainly not new nor evolving but our recognition of what abuse is, hopefully is improving. Many years ago it was considered acceptable to hit women, children and pets. It took a long time to get to the point where we as a society realized that we needed to stop the physical abuse. Just…
Boundaries, the stuff dreams are made of!
Sometimes when we’re younger we dream of where we will live when we grow up. You might have dreamed of a the house in the suburbs with the white picket fence. Or maybe you hoped for a home in a small town or an acreage just outside the city limits, for the peace and quiet.…
Stuck in stress and disappointment, how to make choices
Why reading this blog will help you lose weight, get a better job, find your soulmate, make you popular, clear up your skin and make your rich (and other ridiculously overblown promises!) Okay, we both know that most of that is hype. (If you have the perfect life, you are in the wrong place. Unless…
My name is . . .
Shame and Worthless were my name, But now I am called Enough, not perfect, just Enough. – Jan Smith For so many years, I did not even recognize I was living in the land of Shame and Denial. I operated on the idea of “if I could just do __________ better or be better at…