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Counseling therapy for individuals

Wondering if anyone would even listen to you, let alone believe what you’re experiencing? Worry if you’re just “making too big a deal out of it”?

Feeling like “no matter what you do you can’t win?” with your partner or parent? Dealing w shame, anxiety, depression, codependency, lack of confidence & self esteem, always worried what “they” are going to think or do? Have you ever wondered if your parent or partner was a narcissist? Or “just a really selfish person?”

Wondered if things would ever get better? Or if you’d ever stop feeling so hopeless and stuck? You can’t know what you don’t know. So you can’t change or affect it. Let’s get you more information, better tools, a chance to be heard, and the opportunity to be “seen”. The chance to be whole, to feel your emotions and not cringe. The chance to learn about what you need to actually get out of the eye of the tornado in your life. The chance for hope.

BokehTwo women talking


Counseling - individuals

Appointments’ are scheduled for a clinical hour. A clinical hour is 45-50 minutes at $150. By request dependent on schedule availability, sessions can be scheduled for other time lengths, such as 60 minutes, 75 minutes, 90 minutes and 120 minutes. Availability and cost are available by request. If you’re interested – just ask me.



Coaching - individuals

Coaching differs from counseling. Sometimes it’s easier to explain what coaching is not. Counseling is a deeper look at, and can be more focused on than coaching, on examining and addressing past circumstances and their affect on current circumstances; emotional and behavioral patterns and functions; understanding how the past and present are connecting, directing and affecting your past, present and future. Anxiety, stress, false beliefs, trauma, grief, family of origin beliefs and issues, Difficult circumstances and relationships, dysfunctional and disabling beliefs or behavior patterns, focus on healing and growing are also part of counseling.

Coaching is more forward focused, more goal oriented with measurable growth and outcomes. It is more informative, identifying preferred outcomes and more examining of habits that are helpful or not. Improving assessment, inventory and improved performance focused. Of course, goal setting, assessing strengths and deficits, awareness of beliefs affecting goal achievement, self-awareness and more can be a part of counseling but with a focus more on addressing how you got to today. Coaching is primarily current and forward focused.

Coaching al a carte is 45-50 minutes at $150, but less common and more effective in addressing a single, short-term goal. An example would be the common but uncomfortable anxiety preparing to speak in front of a group for an upcoming scheduled presentation for work, colleagues, an organization or a job interview would possibly be an al a carte purchase. Perhaps 1-3 sessions would be effective.

However coaching is primarily and more effectively, a paced, specific goal focused tool. Like sports training, there is a planned interval of goal setting, applying tools and then assessment of progress and direction. This may be repeated short or long term. Packages of focused, interaction, and goal setting tend to be more effective, giving some deadlines and accountability to keep moving forward. Ask about setting up a package for you.  Packages may include direct contact time, check-ins by email or text, or even short phone contact.